Get people together!

Konnektr is an app that takes a group of people and does all the hard work of figuring out who wants to do what and how often. Konnektr figures out the best times and locations for activities to happen - automatically booking events. Plus, when people's availability changes it automatically reschedules!

Try it for free

Who is Konnektr for?

Konnektr is great for:
  • Churches that want to build a strong communities
  • Workplaces that want to engage workers' interests, build strong teams and increase organizational connectivity
  • Community associations that want to drive local engagement
  • Boards or committees that need to meet regularly, but struggle to meet at fixed times or intervals
  • Any group or team looking to schedule different kinds of activities, as often as people would like to meet
See Use Cases

How does it work?

  • You create a Konnektr group.
  • You tell Konnektr which people to invite to your group.
  • When people join they state their interests.
  • Each week (or month, etc) people update their availability or interests. This is optional.
  • Konnektr creates events that maximize the opportunities for people to participate, figures out locations, and handles rescheduling -- all automatically.

What does it cost?

5 people or less FREE
6 - 10 people $3 / month
11 - 50 people $4 / month
51 - 100 people $8 / month
101 - 200 people $10 / month

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